Both of our Lead Sensei’s are experienced former competitors and value the experience that competition Karate has given them. Therefore our students are encouraged to compete and we attend a variety of competitions every year

.At Total Shotokan Karate we have an open attitude to training our members are encouraged to train with a variety of different instructors and styles. Our ethos is the same as our original Sensei “train wherever you want as long as you come back and share the knowledge”.
Our Instructors view themselves as students first, instructors second and continue to seek out new learning experiences wherever they can
We love to see our students progress and we like to celebrate it when they do.
Unlike some Dojos our students do not automatically grade every 3 months, instead our gradings are structured so that students are only put forward when they are ready.
Our gradings mirror the style of our training so isnt just Kihon (basics), Kata (forms) and Kumite (partner work) but dependant on the level of the student includes impact/pad work, Kata bunkai (applications/analysis), grappling & groundwork