Saturday 11th May saw over 20 senior grade Karateka come together to train with Simon Staples Sensei 6th Dan at SSKI’s London Dojo in Kings Cross.
The overall theme of the course was utilising Shotokan’s basic template and making it applicable in various kumite environments and ranges, by making subtle changes in technique and distance.
The course started with a long range competition style punching drill, utilising zikami-zuki, gyaku-zuki and uraken before moving on to countering that drill with mae-geri and mawashi-geri. The distance was then changed to utilise a jab, cross and hook as attacks with the same kicking counters, just changing the target height. It was a great drill to emphasise that although the distance and technique changed to suit the fighting distance, the body mechanics stayed the same.
During the next section of the course moved into grappling change, where Simon Sensei taught some basic grappling drills, emphasising body position, weight distribution and use of the head. Throughout the process, he demonstrated the link to our art and the relevent applications that were found in Kata.
He then progressed again showing bunkai from Bassai Sho, Unsu, Kanku Sho again demonstrating these across a variety of ranges.
It was another fantastic course with an immensely talented instructor. Once again people were not only impressed with Simon Sensei’s ability as a martial artist but also with the style in which he got his point across. No one will forget his description of the body position whilst trying to get out of “double underhooks”. Did anybody say Bush?!
The course was followed by some good food, drink and company!
We look forward to welcoming Simon Sensei back to the Club in the near future.